20 Questions with Magnus Karlsson

What makes the man tick? How did he become so interested in sauna?  And, does he have any tips for people who are new to the sauna experience? Over a coffee in his local café, we ask Magnus Twenty Questions to better understand the man who calls himself senior editor at HSH. What makes the man tick? How did he become so interested in sauna?  And, does he have any tips for people who are new to the sauna experience? Over a coffee in his local café, we ask Magnus Twenty Questions to better understand the man who calls himself senior editor at HSH.

Can You Wear Shoes in a Sauna?

No, you cannot wear shoes in a sauna. Wearing a pair of shoes is unhygienic and will cause discomfort. Sauna bathing is best enjoyed barefoot. If you’re using a public sauna you can wear a pair of flip-flops or sliders for hygiene. Check the rules before you enter to make sure you are wearing appropriate … Read moreCan You Wear Shoes in a Sauna?

How to Prevent Overheating When Using a Sauna

How do you prevent overheating when using a sauna? The best way to avoid overheating when in a sauna is to drink plenty of water, choose a suitable duration period, select a comfortable temperature between 160-175° F, dress appropriately, and take regular breaks to cool down. See below. • Hydration: Drink three pints of water … Read moreHow to Prevent Overheating When Using a Sauna


Can you bring a phone into a sauna? No, you should not take a phone into a sauna. The intense heat of a sauna can cause permanent damage to your phone battery and internal components. Also, using a phone in a sauna will negatively impact your ability to switch off, unwind, and fully relax. Furthermore, … Read moreCAN YOU BRING YOUR PHONE INTO A SAUNA?