Outdoor Sauna vs Indoor Sauna

lady entering a an indoor sauna

What’s better an indoor sauna or an outdoor sauna?  What are the key differences?  And, which is right for you?  Below we take a close look at the key differences between an outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna.

What’s Better: Indoor Sauna or Outdoor Sauna?

There are some key differences between indoor an outdoor saunas.  Understanding these is key to figuring out which is best for you, your home, and your individual sauna needs.  You can use the jump links below to quickly get to what you need to know.

Key Considerations: Outdoor Sauna vs Indoor Sauna

woman in a sauna considering the differences between outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna

Here are the 11 key differences between outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna.

1: Types of Sauna
2: Performance
3: Installation Requirements
4: Space Requirements
5: Maintenance Requirements
6: Price
7: Sauna Experience
8: Accessibility
9: Health Benefits
10: Weather
11: Privacy

1: Types of Sauna

While you can get most types of sauna in indoor and outdoor models, outdoor saunas tend to favor traditional and barrel designs. Indoor saunas on the other hand tend to be electric, infrared, or steam options. The preferences for the type of sauna are influenced by the space and convenience of installing and operating a sauna in an outdoor or indoor environment.

outdoor sauna with a spectacular view

Outdoor Saunas

1: Traditional Finnish Sauna

These are a very popular choice for outdoor saunas. They provide an authentic sauna experience you just don’t get with other sauna types. They use wood-burning stoves to generate heat. However, they require more space and ventilation.

2: Barrel Sauna

Barrel saunas are compact, cylindrical saunas. They are another popular choice for outdoor sauna. Their shape enhances heat circulation and they have a unique aesthetic appeal.

3: Outdoor Infrared Sauna

Outdoor infrared saunas are not as common as the previous sauna types. However, they are becoming increasingly popular as the technology develops and becomes more efficient. They use electric infrared heating panels to heat the body directly without heating the air inside the sauna.

Indoor Saunas

1: Traditional Sauna

Indoor traditional Finnish saunas use electric heaters instead of wood-burning stoves. Although not as authentic as their outdoor cousins, they are incredibly popular and every bit as effective. They tend to be smaller, so are ideal for smaller indoor spaces.

2: Infrared Sauna

Indoor infrared saunas are incredibly popular. They are compact, easy to operate, and highly efficient. They work well in indoor environments and perform just as well as traditional saunas. Although, the sauna purist will disagree.

3: Steam Sauna

Steam saunas generate steam using a steam generator. They are another great choice for an indoor sauna. They offer a different experience compared to dry sauna and are favored by many for their lower temperatures and high-humidity environment.


Best Outdoor Saunas 2024click here

2: Performance

Outdoor saunas are often built to a higher specification due to the challenges of placing a sauna in an outdoor environment. This means they exhibit excellent heat retention and ventilation characteristics. However, they tend to take longer to heat up. Indoor saunas are more energy efficient and heat up more quickly.

man and woman in an indoor sauna

Heat Levels

Outdoor saunas tend to offer more intense heat thanks to their thicker walls and more substantial insulation. This allows them to reach and maintain higher heat levels. External temperatures can affect sauna performance, but high-quality construction limits its impact.

Indoor saunas provide adequate heat levels but they tend to have a lower heat output compared to outdoor saunas thanks to their thinner walls and reduced levels of insulation. If you want a truly hot sauna, choose an outdoor sauna.

Heating Time

Outdoor saunas tend to take longer to heat up, especially in colder environments. Indoor saunas benefit from the sheltered environment of a home, where ambient temperatures tend to be warmer. This means they can heat up more quickly. For an outdoor sauna, the heaters have to work harder to reach the desired temperature of the user.

Heat Retention

Outdoor saunas tend to perform better than indoor saunas in terms of heat retention. It may sound counter-intuitive, but outdoor saunas are constructed with thicker walls and much better insulation. This means, once they heat up, they retain the hot air more effectively.


Air ventilation is better in outdoor saunas. The natural flow of air is better in an outdoor environment is much better compared to indoors. And, this results in superior ventilation inside your sauna cabin. Indoor saunas experience more limited airflow and can feel stuffy.

3: Installation Requirements

The key differences in installation requirements for outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna relate to weatherproofing, foundations, space, and ventilation. Outdoor saunas require a secure and durable foundation. They also need more robust weatherproofing. Indoor saunas need more effective ventilation. Let’s take a look.

man assembling an outdoor sauna


Weatherproofing applies only to outdoor saunas. Your sauna must be weather-resistant to withstand the outdoor elements. The best outdoor saunas are already built to last. Depending on the model you purchase, you may need to add an additional weather resistance. If you have an indoor sauna, you will not have to consider the outdoor elements.

Stable Foundation

Outdoor saunas need a secure and durable foundation. They are often placed on lawns or grassy areas. They need a foundation and a stable platform foundation. This may require some landscaping work. Indoor saunas on the other hand can be simply placed on your existing indoor flooring.

Location Area

Outdoor saunas are generally easier to locate, in terms of space. Most people have more available space in their outdoor areas. They can be placed in a backyard or a garden. If you live in an apartment, this will not be the case and you’ll have to opt for an indoor sauna. Indoor saunas are often located in spare rooms, bathrooms, or basement areas.


Outdoor saunas generally don’t need any additional installation work for ventilation. They perform well thanks to the natural airflow of an outdoor setting. Indoor saunas may need some work. They may require additional ventilation to manage heat and humidity.


Both indoor and outdoor saunas will require similar utility setups. If it’s an electrical sauna you’ll need to provide an electrical hook-up. This is straightforward in an indoor setting. However, it requires a little extra work if you need to provide an outdoor electrical connection. You’ll also have to provide water supply and drainage for steam saunas – both indoor and out.

4: Space Requirements

What are the space requirements for outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna? Outdoor saunas tend to be more flexible when it comes to size and placement. Indoor saunas are restricted by the amount of space available in your home.

man sitting on a bench in a sauna

Sauna Footprint

Outdoor saunas tend to be bigger and occupy a larger footprint. There are fewer space constraints in a yard or garden. Outdoor spaces tend to be bigger and better suited for accommodating larger saunas. Indoor saunas have smaller footprints due to the limited space of an indoor environment. Their compact size needs to fit into a bathroom, basement, or spare room.


You will need adequate clearance around the structure for maintenance and ventilation. This means there must be clearance above the sauna and around the sides. This is generally not a major issue for outdoor saunas. However, you should consider ceiling height and wall clearance when positioning an indoor sauna.

5: Maintenance Requirements

What are the key differences in maintenance requirements between outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna? It all comes down to weatherproofing, cleaning, ventilation, and regular visual inspection.

woman sweating in an outdoor sauna


Outdoor saunas may require additional weatherproofing. Especially if you live in a region with a challenging climate. Typical preventative maintenance tasks include sealing, wood treatment, and potential repairs due to weather damage. Indoor saunas do not require weatherproofing maintenance.


Both indoor and outdoor saunas require regular cleaning. However, outdoor saunas will need more regular attention thanks to their exposure to the elements. Exterior panels should be wiped down and interiors regularly cleaned and kept free of debris. Indoor saunas are easier to keep clean due to their controlled interior environment. Their main concern is interior cleanliness.


Ventilation levels should be monitored in both indoor and outdoor saunas. Outdoor models require less attention due to air movement and natural ventilation. This helps maintain good ventilation and keeps moisture levels under control. Indoor saunas require more frequent ventilation checks to prevent the build-up of mold and mildew.

Visual Inspection

Regular visual inspection should be performed on both indoor and outdoor models to catch any potential issues early. For outdoor saunas, pay particular attention to weather-related wear and tear. And, for indoor, you can focus on looking out for electrical, structural, and moisture accumulation issues.

6: Price

When it comes to price, there are four areas you need to consider: initial cost of the sauna, installation cost, operational cost, and any additional features you want included.

three women in white towels in a sauna

Sauna Price

The easiest cost to assess is the initial cost of the sauna. Outdoor saunas tend to be more expensive for two reasons. They are larger and they are built to a higher specification for durability. Indoor saunas tend to come with a lower price tag as they are smaller, use less build materials, and are not built to be weather resistant.

Installation Costs

Whether you purchase an outdoor or indoor sauna you are going to encounter installation costs. However, installation tends to be more expensive for an outdoor sauna. These saunas need foundation work, weatherproofing, and more complex electrical and utility work. Indoor saunas have simpler setups and easier access to existing utilities, foundations, and do not require weatherproofing.

Operational Costs

Operational Costs include ongoing costs for energy and maintenance. These are the costs of running your sauna. They tend to be higher for outdoor saunas. They require more energy to reach operational temperature, especially in colder climates. Indoor models have lower costs thanks to the stable environment of an indoor setting.

Additional Features

Do you want any additional features for your sauna? These tend to come at an extra cost. Examples include chromotherapy lights, Bluetooth sound systems, and halotherapy devices. Many outdoor saunas are accompanied by a cold shower. Consider your needs and preferences when assessing your total cost.

7: Sauna Experience

What about the overall sauna experience? What are the key differences between indoor sauna and outdoor sauna? Let’s look at how atmosphere, privacy, and convenience differ between the two. And, then there’s the great outdoors – something that you only experience with an outdoor sauna.

woman wearing a sauna hat


When it comes to sauna experience we have to consider the overall atmosphere. What kind of ambiance does your sauna deliver? Outdoor saunas provide a more rustic and traditional feel. They have an authentic and traditional feel. And, they connect you with nature and the outdoor environment. Indoor saunas are more intimate and cozy. They provide a more sheltered feel.


What level of privacy are you looking for? Do you value seclusion and tranquility? The level of privacy for an outdoor sauna depends very much on its location. They can be secluded and offer plenty of privacy. Indoor sauna privacy depends on who you are sharing your home with. And, where you position the sauna.


How about ease of access and usage? Is an indoor or outdoor sauna more convenient? Outdoor models require a walk outside. This is not ideal in cold, wet, or blustery weather. Indoor saunas are more easily accessible. They are ideal for frequent use without having to step outside.

The Great Outdoors

Do you want to integrate your sauna experience with the great outdoors? If you want to connect with your natural surroundings you’ll need to use an outdoor sauna. Here you can sit back and enjoy the landscape during your sauna session. Indoor saunas do not offer a great outdoors sauna experience.

8: Accessibility

How about accessibility? Which is better – indoor or outdoor sauna? Below we consider proximity, ease of use, weather, and mobility issues to determine if an outdoor sauna or indoor sauna is more accessible.

outdoor pod sauna


How far is your sauna from your living area? How far do you have to travel to access it? Outdoor saunas are typically placed in a garden or yard. They involve a short walk from your home. No problem if the weather is pleasant. Not so good if you’re experiencing bad weather. Indoor saunas benefit from excellent proximity. They are located inside your home.

Ease of Use

Is it easier to use an indoor or outdoor sauna? An indoor sauna is conveniently located in your home. Switching it on and setting your preferred temperature level is a breeze. An outdoor sauna will require a short walk outside. However, the best saunas can be operated remotely using downloadable apps and smart devices.


What about the weather? How will it impact sauna accessibility? Access to outdoor saunas can be hindered by rain, snow, or extreme cold. This may reduce the frequency at which you use your sauna. Indoor saunas are unaffected by the weather. They can be used all year round without concern.

Mobility Issues

Which is more suitable for individuals with mobility issues? Outdoor saunas may be more difficult to access. Depending on where the sauna is located, you may have to navigate difficult outdoor terrain. Installation of ramps and removal of outdoor obstacles may be necessary. Indoor saunas are more easily accessed by people with mobility issues.

9: Health Benefits

Which is better for health benefits – outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna? The key potential health benefits of sauna are deep relaxation, detoxification, improved circulation, and skin cleansing. Can you expect a difference between indoor and outdoor sauna in terms of how these are delivered?

Woman lieing on a bench in a traditional sauna wearing swimwear


Both indoor and outdoor saunas are excellent for deep relaxation and stress relief. The intense heat from a sauna relaxes muscles, reduces tension, and promotes an overall sense of well-being. Outdoor sauna will be preferable to some for its connection with nature and the outdoors. However, we score them equally for relaxation.


The effectiveness of a sauna to help detox the body is directly related to the sauna’s ability to generate heat and induce sweating. Both indoor and outdoor saunas are capable of reaching very high temperatures that will easily trigger a sweat response. They both perform superbly in terms of system detox.

Improved Circulation

Sauna is a great way of boosting cardiovascular activity and stimulating blood circulation. Again, outdoor and indoor saunas perform equally well here. They both offer intense heat exposure which in turn stimulates the cardiovascular system.

Skin Cleansing

Both indoor and outdoor saunas offer similar benefits when it comes to skin cleansing. Both these types of sauna deliver the level of heat needed to trigger an intense sweat. And it is this intense sweat that achieves a deep cleaning of the skin. As sweat droplets push through skin pores, they remove toxins and contaminants. Both Indoor and outdoor saunas perform equally well in this area.

10: Weather

What about the weather? What are the key differences between the two in terms of weather conditions? Which performs better – indoor or outdoor? Only outdoor saunas are exposed to the elements. The weather has little or no impact on indoor saunas.

outdoor sauna in the snow

Weather Exposure

Outdoor saunas are exposed to the weather. They are subject to wind, rain, hail, sun, and snow. This represents an obvious challenge and can impact the life expectancy of the sauna. You may need to perform preventative maintenance actions to protect your sauna from the weather.

Extremes of Temperature

If you live in a region that experiences extremes of temperature, it may impact your ability to use your outdoor sauna. For example, during periods of extreme cold, your sauna may struggle to generate intense heat within the cabin. Indoor saunas are not impacted in the same way.

Maintenance Requirements

Outdoor saunas will require regular maintenance and inspection to ensure they are protected from the weather. Any damage should be repaired as soon as possible. Indoor saunas do not require any maintenance related to weather conditions.  Indoor wins this one on outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna.


Weather can negatively impact the accessibility of outdoor saunas. In periods of weather extremes of wind, rain, or cold it can become difficult and unpleasant to access an outdoor sauna. Indoor saunas do not suffer weather-related accessibility issues.

11: Privacy

And last but not least, privacy. Which offers better privacy: outdoor sauna vs indoor sauna?It all comes down to where you locate your sauna. Whether it’s an outdoor or indoor model, placement is key. Do you have a secluded and quiet location where you can place your sauna? Let’s take a look.

view from an outdoor sauna


The privacy of an outdoor sauna depends entirely on its placement. Have you got an outdoor space that is secluded and away from the prying eyes of neighbors and passers-by? If yes, an outdoor sauna can offer you excellent privacy.

Similarly, the location of an indoor sauna will determine its level of privacy. Can you place it in a room that experiences little traffic from your family or housemates? Indoor saunas often have fewer options when it comes to placement.

Potential For Interruptions

To fully enjoy your sauna session you need to avoid interruptions. Outdoor saunas are great for getting away from your home and entering a little private oasis. However, they can be affected by noisy neighbors, passing traffic, and inclement weather conditions.

Indoor saunas can avoid interruptions if placed in an area of the house that experiences very little passing footfall. However, if they are in a bathroom or placed in a busy area, you can expect regular interruptions from those you share your home with.


The Pros & Cons of Outdoor Saunaclick here

Best Wood for Outdoor Sauna – click here

Outdoor Sauna Safety Tipsclick here

About the Author


• Sauna Specialist

Meet Jake, a man with a passion for sauna therapy. Jake’s background is in science and his passion is wellness and fitness. Growing up in Orlando Florida, Jake enrolled in Florida International University where he graduated with a BS in Biological Sciences.

As a young man, he worked in the spa and wellness center at the renowned Breakers Palm Beach luxury hotel. Here he developed his skills and understanding of client-centered wellness delivery. Upon graduating from Florida International University he took up a research position focusing on the application and practical effects of steam therapy.

His research has contributed to advancing the understanding of steam sauna therapy and how it can be applied in the occupational health environment. His work in this area has been officially recognized for its impact on the field.

Jake is a devoted fan of the Orlando Magic basketball team. When not working and advancing his research he enjoys attending games at the Kia Center in downtown Orlando. He also likes to remain active in his local sports community and volunteers as a basketball coach for his local youth team.

With his background in scientific research and passion for wellness, Jake is a valuable addition to the Home Sauna Heaven writer’s team where he shares his knowledge and understanding of sauna therapy, steam sauna therapy, and how they can be used for best effect.

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